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  • Writer's pictureNara E.

November 2023

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Hello! I'm so glad you're here. I will be writing posts on something about the writing or publishing process plus a little "behind-the-scenes" on my own writing.

This month, I will briefly talk about two major kinds of editing: developmental and line editing; I will also cover a little bit about my thoughts while editing a novel.

Developmental editing is focused on the story as a whole. For instance, the plot and the characters. Line editing is more on grammar and if the sentences flow and fit together. Both are crucial to the eventual publication of a story.

Even with rereading and editing and rereading the story before it's published, I'll still find flaws that I have to go back and fix in my own work. It's part of the process for me. Even if something is published, the editing part of it never seems to leave me.

However, story-wise, I know when to stop rewriting it when I feel comfortable with what I wrote. Such as, when I don't cringe horribly when rereading it and can give it to someone else to read.

That's how I knew when book 2 was ready to be edited. I had gotten the story to a place that I had envisioned it to be. Now, here's a quote from book 2, Tales of Heroes, coming in 2024!

*Note: this quote is from the current draft. Nothing is final.*

"Come prepared, dear readers."

Could I have added more, such as the sentence that comes after that? Yes, but then it would have revealed some things I am not ready to reveal about the story. It was an exciting story for me to write and I can't wait to publish it next year!


Nara E.


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December 2023

Hello! Last month, I briefly mentioned the kinds of editing that stories go through. Today, I will cover the important question of: why do I write? I write because I want to read a specific story. I w

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