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  • Writer's pictureNara E.

The Kingdom of Dragons Part III

A deal had been struck. The dragon smith would have free reign over his creations and as many resources as the ice dragon could provide as long as the king kept his throne and the circlet. There was still a chance, the dragon smith thought, of the king double-crossing him, but the smith would worry about that when the time came. As of now, he had new things to craft that had been lurking in the back of his mind.


The dragon smith forged for many years. Years passed, but to him, it was the blink of an eye. Through the years, he worked on one massive project, having to expand his new forge year by year to accommodate it. The forge looked less like a forge now and more like a fortress with towering walls and defenses the dragon smith installed over time to protect the forge. Soon, he'd be ready for all to see what the greatest dragon smith from the stars could do.

To be continued...

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