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  • Writer's pictureNara E.

The Dragon Queen Part V

The dragon queen frowned. The smith faintly grinned, landing on the peak of the mountain, sending snow cascading down in his wake. He hissed; I will await your decision. Go and hold a council or whatever you Earthling dragons do.


Twelve dragons, including the queen, gathered around a circular wooden table. None of them knew what to do yet.

"We can make a new circlet," argued the youngest advisor, his light blue scales contrasting the drab gray stone walls.

"It's been with us for centuries!" argued the silver advisor dragon, the queen's closest advisor.

The queen cut through the two advisors, the rest of the dragons murmuring amongst themselves. "How could the circlet contain starlight? It never glows nor shows any sign of being otherworldly."

"We could break a piece off," suggested the young advisor dragon. "See if it glows or if there's anything that the newcomer mentioned."

"A vote," offered the silver advisor dragon. The dragons began raising their talons. Over half the dragons were in favor of breaking a tiny piece of the circlet off to prove whether or not the newcomer was right.

"Council dismissed," announced the dragon queen.


The two advisor dragons and two guards followed the queen to the mountain peak, flying to the other side from where the dragon smith waited. Clouds gathered on the horizon, blocking the sunset.

The dragons gathered around a stone block they had brought with them, placing the circlet gently on the stone. A guard held a small hammer to break a piece off. Before he could lift the hammer, the smith flew within sight, landing near the queen.

He silently glowered. Have you made your decision, Your Majesty?

The advisors coughed. The youngest, the ice dragon, said, "Excuse me, what are you doing here?"

The dragon smith turned his glower to the youngling. The ice dragon held the smith's gaze before cowering a few moments later.

The queen ignored them, nodding to the guard. He carefully brought down his hammer on the circlet as the dragon smith growled, Fools.

To be continued...

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