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  • Writer's pictureNara E.

The Dragon Queen Part IV

The dragon queen considered the dragon smith before her. "The circlet has been in the hands of whoever sits on the throne since before the fortress, eons ago. It has been in the memory of all living dragons, including the remaining elders, whose lives span over thousands of years, since the beginning of dragons. We have never heard of such a tale."

The other dragons seconded the queen.

The dragon smith growled, showing his razor-sharp teeth. I created the circlet to hold starlight. It is one of my greatest items. I had lost it in a raid. I have finally found it after much searching and tracking tales of it while evading other dragons. Hand it over, and I shall leave freely. I have no quarrel with you Earthlings.

The dragon queen's advisor hovered closer to the queen, whispering, "It is not wise. We have no proof. How did he even find us in the mountains where no others live?"

The dragon queen repeated what the advisor said to the smith. "More proof must be presented than your fire. How did you find us, if you claim to be from the stars and no others live in these mountains?"

The smith sighed. He hissed and growled. I hoped to spare whoever held the circlet. You shall be your own undoing, Your Majesty.

The queen repeated more firmly, "How did you find us?" The dragon snorted a burst of white fire, his tail swishing back and forth. Through tales of old.

To be continued...

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