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  • Writer's pictureNara E.

The Dragon Queen Part I

A fortress of stone stood on the peak of a towering mountain, clouds clinging to the mountain slopes. A glittering dark purple, almost black dragon oversaw the final touches to the enormous fortress, hovering outside the walls. The cold winter sun began to set beneath the horizon, painting the sky purple and pink.

As the final stone was laid on the ramparts and as the last carvings of dragons were etched around the entrance to the fortress, dragons flew inside. The last one entering before the doors closed was the violet dragon, her claws echoing against the cool stone floor. A row of dragons stood on either side of the grand hall, bowing their heads as she made her way into the throne room. An empty stone throne was erected at the end of the rectangular room, the high vaulted ceiling far above. A silver chandelier glowing with candles hung above the center of the room.

The dragon approached the throne, dragons flanking either side. She sat on the throne, a gold dragon coming to her, holding a silver circlet. He placed the circlet on her head and growled, "Hail the dragon queen!"

"Hail!" echoed the dragons.

To be continued...


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